Aktywne Sproszkowane Sita Molekularne


Activated Molecular Sieve Powder is dehydrated synthetic powder molecular sieve. With the charater of high dispersibility and rapid adsorbability, it is used in some special adsorbability, it is used in some special adsorptive circumstances, such as being formless desiccant, being adsorbent mixed with other materials etc.
It can remove water eliminate bubbles, increase uniformity and strength when being additive or base in paint, resin and some adhesives. It can also be used as desiccant in insulating glass rubber spacer.

Parametry techniczne

Model 4A
Color Light gray
Nominal pore diameter 4 angstroms
Shape Sphere Pellet
Diameter (mm) 1.7-2.5 3.0-5.0 1.6 3.2
Size ratio up to grade (%) ≥98 ≥98 ≥96 ≥96
Bulk density (g/ml) ≥0.72 ≥0.70 ≥0.66 ≥0.66
Wear ratio (%) ≤0.20 ≤0.20 ≤0.20 ≤0.20
Crushing strength (N) ≥35/piece ≥85/piece ≥35/piece ≥70/piece
Static H2O adsorption (%) ≥22 ≥22 ≥22 ≥22
Static methanol adsorption(%) ≥15 ≥15 ≥15 ≥15
Water content (%) ≤1.0 ≤1.0 ≤1.0 ≤1.0
Typical Chemical Formula Na2O . Al2O3 . 2SiO2 . 4.5 H2O
SiO2 : Al2O3≈2
Typical Application a) Drying and removing of CO2 from natural gas, LPG, air, inert and atmospheric gases, etc.
b) Removal of hydrocarbons, ammonia and methanol from gas streams (ammonia syn gas treating)
c) Special types are used in the air break units of buses, trucks and locomotives.
d) Packed in small bags, it may be used simply as a packaging desiccant.


Węgiel Aktywowany

Sita Molekularne do oxygeneratorów medycznych

Środek zapobiegający infekcji

Karbowane Pierścienie Rashiga

Sprężynki pryzmatyczne


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