Niebieski Żel Krzemionkowy

Parametry techniczne

Blue Silica Gel
Apperance:  glass-like pellets or lumps. Color: blue or light blue. Including blue gel indicator, chromotropic silica gel and blue silica gel. Turning from blue to red after absorbing moistures.
Application Mainly used for absorbing moisture, anti-rusting of instruments, gauges and equipment in the enclosed conditions. After absorbing moisture, it turns from blue to red, visually indicating the relative humidity of the given environments. When being used with ordinary silica gel or drier, it indicates to which extent the drier absorbs the moisture and judges the relative humidity of a given environment. It is widely used as silica gel drier for the packing of precision instruments, leathers, shoes, clothes, foodstuffs, medicines and household electric appliances, etc.
Technical Data:
Item Blue gel indicator Discoloring silica gel Blue silica gel Typical values
Adsorption capacity, % RH=20 % ≥ 8 —- —- 8.5
RH=35 % ≥ 13 —- —- 13.6
RH=50 % ≥ 20 20 18 22.5
RH=90 % ≥ —- —- 28 31.4
Rattler loss, % ≤ 10 10 10 0.5
Qualified size ratio, % ≥ 96 90 90 97
Loss on heating, % ≤ 5 5 5 0.9
Colour RH=20 % Blue or light blue —- —-
RH=35 % Purple or purplish red —- —-
RH=90 % Light red Light red light Purple or light red
[Size] 1-3mm, 2-5mm, 4-8mm.


Węgiel Aktywowany

Sita Molekularne do oxygeneratorów medycznych

Środek zapobiegający infekcji

Karbowane Pierścienie Rashiga

Sprężynki pryzmatyczne


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