Inertne kule ceramiczne 99


The HurtGral 99 High Alumina Support Media is equal Denstone® 99 Support Media. It is inchemical composition99+% alpha alumina and a maximum 0.2wt% SiO 2 . Because of its highalumina content and low silica (SiO2 ), it’s a very excellent and ideal product for high temperature and steam applications, such as secondary reformers in ammonia processing, where leached silica will coat downstream equipment or foul the catalyst bed.

The HurtGral 99 High Alumina Support Media has very excellent thermal properties, with its high density high-temperature resistance 1550℃, also it’s a good choice for heat retention or equilibration media.
For its superior chemical resistance, it’s suitable for applications in olefin processes, such as ethylene dryers, where there’s the polymerization problem.

Parametry techniczne

Model: HurtGral 99
Color: White
Shape: Ball
Typical Technical Composition Min. % Min. % Max. % Usual %
SiO2 ****** ****** 0.2 0.18
Al2O3 99 99 99.6 99.3
Fe2O3 ****** ****** 0.2 0.02
TiO2 ****** ****** 0.55 0.02
CaO ****** ****** 0.1 0.2
MgO ****** ****** 0.1 0.05
Na2O ****** ****** 0.25 0.1
K2O ****** ****** 0.2 0.13
Physical properties
Index Value Value
Leachable Iron ≤ 0.01%
Apparent Porosity by Weight ≤ 7.0%
Moh’s Hardness Scale >8.0
Water Absorption <4.0 wt.%
Acid Resistance >99.8%
Thermal Conductivity 0.7-0.8 w/m2.k
Thermal Expansion @ 500 0.10%
Thermal Shock Stability, 1000 then water cooling 10 times
Max. Operating Temperature 1550°C 2822
Specific Density 3400 kg/m3 212 lb/ft3
Bulk Density (Packing Density) 2100 g/cm3 131 lb/ft3
Crush Strength
Size Crush Strength
Nominal Size (lbs) (kg) (N/pc)
mm inch min. min. min.
3 1/8″ 115 52 510
6 1/4″ 230 105 1030
10 3/8″ 440 200 1961
13 1/2″ 1355 615 6031
16 5/8″ 1720 780 7650
19 3/4″ 2315 1050 10297
25 1″ 3130 1420 13925
38 1-1/2″ 4034 1830 17946
50 2″ 4960 2250 22065
Typical Application a)high temperature and steam
b)has very excellent thermal properties, with its high density high-temperature resistance 1550.
c)it’s suitable for applications in olefin processes, such as ethylene dryers


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