Ceramiczne opakowanie strukturalne


Ceramic Structured Packing consists of many packing units of similar geometric design. Corrugated sheets placed in parallel formcylindrical units called corrugated tower packing. These are a form of highly efficient packing with separating efficiency several times higher than that of loose packing. They have the quality of low-pressure drop, increased operating elasticity, minimum amplifying effect, and maximum liquid treatment compared to loose tower packing.

Parametry techniczne

Model: Ceramic Structured Packing
Shape: Ripple
Color: White
Chemical composition
SiO2 Fe2O3 CaO Al2O3 MgO Other
≥72% ≤0.5% ≤1.0% ≥23% ≤1.0% 2%
Physical property 
Index Value
Specific gravity(g/cm3) 2.5
Water absorption(wt%) ≤0.5
Acid resistance(wt%) ≥99.5
Loss in burn(wt%) ≤5.0
Max. operating Temp.(Degree C) 800
Crush strength(Mpa) ≥130
Mohs Hardness(Scale) ≥7
Geometric characteristic
Spec. Specific surface(m2/m3) Bulk density (kg/m3) Void ratio(%) Obl. angle Pressure drop (mmHg/m) Theo. plate(m-1) Hydraulic diameter (mm) Liquid load (m3/m2h) Max. Factorm/s (Kg/m3)-1
125Y 125 320 90 45° 1.8 1.8 28 0.2-100 3
160Y 160 370 85 45° 2 2 15 0.2-100 2.8
250Y 250 420 80 45° 2 2.5 12 0.2-100 2.6
350Y 350 470 78 45° 2.5 2.8 10 0.2-100 2.5
400Y 400 500 75 45° 3 3 8 0.2-100 2
450Y 450 520 72 45° 4 4 7 0.2-100 1.8
550Y 550 620 74 45° 5.5 5-6 6 0.18-100 1.4
700Y 700 650 72 45° 6 7 5 0.15-100 1.3
100X 100 280 92 30° 1.5 1 30 0.2-100 3.5
125X 125 300 90 30° 1.8 1.5 28 0.2-100 3.2
160X 160 350 85 30° 2 1.8 15 0.2-100 3
250X 250 380 80 30° 2.5 2.3 12 0.2-100 2.8
350X 350 450 78 30° 3 2.5 10 0.2-100 2.6
400X 400 480 75 30° 4 2.8 8 0.2-100 2.2
450X 450 500 72 30° 4.5 3-4 7 0.2-100 2
470X 470 440 75 30° 5 5 7 0.2-100 1.8
550X 550 620 74 30° 5.5 5-6 6 0.18-100 1.4
700X 700 650 72 30° 6 7 5 0.15-100 1.3
Typical Application a) Rectifying organic halide.
b) Rectifying and absorbing some corrosive mixtures, which are definitely regulated in pressure drop and theoretic plate number.
c) Applied in some towers that contain a large quantity of natural media used to absorb nitric acid and concentrated sulfuric acid, as well as for purifying the air in chemical plants.
d) Operating in vacuum conditions at a bottom absolute pressure of 100pa.
e) Used in heat exchanger and demisting, or as a catalyst carrier.


– High capacity. New tower design may reduce diameter, while renovate old towers may increase capacity significantly.
– High separation efficiency. Since it has much larger specific surface area compared to random packing.
– Low pressure drop, which leads to reduce energy consumption largely.
– Large flexibility, and scale effect is not obvious.
– Suitable for all tower diameters.
– Strong resistance to corrosion of acid and alkali, especially to H2S, naphthenic acid and Cl- .


Węgiel Aktywowany

Sita Molekularne do oxygeneratorów medycznych

Środek zapobiegający infekcji

Karbowane Pierścienie Rashiga

Sprężynki pryzmatyczne


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Wypełnienia ceramiczne, drożdże, enzymy, dodatki dla przemysłu spożywczego.