Węglowe Sita Molekularne


The component of carbon molecular sieve (CMS) is carbon. CMS takes the appearance of cylindrical black solid, contains countless 4 angstrom fine pores, it can be used to separate air into nitrogen and oxygen .In industry, CMS can concentrate nitrogen from air with PSA systems. Our CMS products have the character of large nitrogen yield capacity; high nitrogen recovery. It can meet the requirement of all types of PSA nitrogen systems.
The carbon molecular sieve is widely applied in petroleum chemical industry, the heat treatment of metal, the electronic manufacture and food preservation industries.

Właściwości Fizyczne

– Cylindrical Diameter: 1.3mm 1.6mm 2.2mm
– Bulk Density: 640-660g/ml
– Crushing Strength: 100N/p Min
– Dust level: 100PPM Max

Parametry techniczne

Model Carbon Molecular Sieve
Appearance Black, extruded(pellet)
Diameter 1.3mm; 1.6mm; 2.2mm or customized
Crushing Strength  100N/P min
Dust level 100PPM Max
Type  Adsorbent pressure Nitrogen purity Nitrogen quantity Nitrogen recovery
(MPa) (N2%) (NM3/h.t) N2/Air(%)
CMS-200 0.8 99.99 70 21
99.9 140 27
99.5 200 36
99 260 41
98 330 48
CMS-220 0.8 99.99 90 25
99.9 160 34
99.5 220 43
99 290 48
98 360 54
CMS-240 0.8 99.99 100 26
99.9 175 35
99.5 240 44
99 300 49
98 370 55
CMS-260 0.8 99.99 110 27
99.9 190 36
99.5 260 45
99 310 50
98 380 56
Typical Application CMS takes the appearance of cylindrical black solid, contains countless 4 angstrom fine pores, it can be used to separate air into nitrogen and oxygen .In industry, CMS can concentrate nitrogen from air with PSA systems. Our CMS products have the character of large nitrogen yield capacity; high nitrogen recovery. It can meet the requirement of all types of PSA nitrogen systems.
The carbon molecular sieve is widely applied in petroleum chemical industry, the heat treatment of metal, the electronic manufacture and food preservation industries.

Zakres Usług

The following merits of service:
– High ratio performence&price, reducing investment cost and operation cost.
– Large hardness, little ash, long service life, uniform particles which protests air current impact.
– Stable quality: Testing strictly according to 100% standard of production and ex-factory testing management.
– The resin uses in producing the high pure nitrogen with good performance which substitutes the similar import products.
– Three guarantees


Węgiel Aktywowany

Sita Molekularne do oxygeneratorów medycznych

Środek zapobiegający infekcji

Karbowane Pierścienie Rashiga

Sprężynki pryzmatyczne


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